The Law Office of Liudmila A. Marcelo, PA
Representation in Immigration Law, Asylum & Naturalization.

Becoming an American citizen comes with many advantages, and it also means taking on new responsibilities. Through the naturalization process, one can become a U.S. citizen if born outside the United States and if certain requirements are met.

U.S. immigration law allows certain noncitizens who are family members of U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents to become lawful permanent residents. It is not uncommon to see families separated for a long time due to immigration issues.

Estate planning is preparing various documents such as a Will or Trust to appoint fiduciaries and list beneficiaries for asset distribution and management upon death or disability.

Over 20+ Years of Experience
The Law Office of Liudmila A. Marcelo, PA offers quality professional services in immigration and estate planning matters. Attorney Marcelo and her team of paralegals possess the professional training and experience necessary to see your case through to the desired resolution.

Our attorneys accumulated years of experience working with this type of adjustment of status, and thousands of Cubans and family members have become lawful permanent residents with their help. The Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966 (CAA)

Adjustment of status is the process that you can use to apply for lawful permanent resident status (also known as applying for a Green Card) when you are present in the United States.

Noncitizens might find themselves facing deportation proceedings if they do not have the required documentation to remain in the U.S.A., or if they are legally present in the U.S.A.
Our Attorney, Liudmila Armas Marcelo, Esq.
Graduating Cum Laude from Nova Southeastern University in May 2019 and passing the Florida Bar in July of the same year, Ms. Marcelo’s academic achievements were recognized with multiple Dean’s recognitions and academic scholarships. During her student years, she actively contributed as a member of the Board of the Foreign Lawyers Association of Nova (FLAN)

The Legal Team on Your Side
As immigrants themselves, with extensive legal education in Cuba and the United States, our team understand the challenges you face and how your immigration status can impact you and your loved ones.
Our highly experienced team provides personalized attention to our clients, ensuring that your questions are answered as promptly as possible.
Whether you are seeking to adjust your status in the United States, become a citizen of this country, bring your loved ones from your home country, defend your asylum case, find the best alternative to your deportation case, or secure your estate and those of your loved ones, call us for a free consultation with our attorneys at (561)-633-3943. You can also contact us via WhatsApp at (561)-971-2442 or simply visit our office located at 2290 10th Ave N. Ste 406, Lake Worth FL 33461

Este es un camino abrupto, atestado de impedimentos e inconvenientes que solo con ayuda se puede transitar… Gracias a Dios tuvimos una mano amiga que con ética, honestidad y profesionalismo nos guió a través de todo el proceso. Tenemos el Permiso de Trabajo gracias a la incomiable gestión de MARCELO PA. Su integridad, honradez, compromiso, seriedad y eficiencia son incomparables. Son profesionales íntegros, expertos en el proceso y ganadores. A Liudmila le debemos todo el respeto y la admiración que un profesional excelente ha sabido conquistar. Es absolutamente intachable. Aún queda camino por recorrer. Aún estamos lejos del final… pero queremos que las victorias del proceso se celebren. Muchísimas gracias!!!!

Primero que nada agradecerles por el trabajo que han realizado con mi esposo y conmigo, sé que aún nos queda camino por recorrer en procesos legales pero gracias a ustedes tenemos hoy permiso de trabajo. Más que agradecida con Dios, con ustedes y mi prima que me los recomendó todo es posible si se escoge una buena representación legal, no pude hacer mejor elección para nuestro caso…recomendados 200%. Gracias miles

Cuando enfrentamos un problema de emigración o legal nos sentimos asustados y preocupados, sin embargo nuestra familia ha estado en total tranquilidad sabiendo q estábamos en las mejores manos. Ustedes nos han acompañado desde el primer día q llegamos a este gran país, somos Parole de 60 días, con fecha de corte, gracias a ustedes ya nuestra corte fue cerrada y sólo nos queda esperar por nuestra residencia. Estamos muy agradecidos, sin dudas son los mejores . Los recomendamos
Bringing Families Together.

Over 20+ Years of Experience
The Law Office of Liudmila A. Marcelo, PA offers quality professional services in immigration and estate planning matters. Our firm’s attorney possesses the professional training and experience necessary to see your case through to the desired resolution.
2290 10th Ave N. Ste 406, Lake Worth, FL 33461 | (561) 873-2086 | Monday – Friday |